April 2, 2010

Whatever, i'm late anyway

Because sometimes you have to know how to stop trying. No matter how much you do, it's too late and nothing can be changed. You have to ignore it, there's no point trying.

Met girlfs and co. @WM's Mac in the morning, then headed to MI.
I did something different this year!
O: O:
O: O: O:

I didn't wear red house tee! lol!
Neither did I wear red house tee and go to some other houses. I changed to the colour of the house I was going to. (WHOA! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!) Because actually, I would never do that.
so be honoured! HAHH!
Reached MI, was walking in when theo and fiona got their instant prize. rofl.
Both me and Shia was like "OMGOMG, PLEASE DON'T CALL MY NAME PLEASE"
While yanting just laughed all the way.

I'm going to the losing team today. 
(Was what I repeated the most today, not forgetting "oiiiii and hahahah") --

Wait! I must first let you know my purpose! I went to the losing team today firstly, under Shia's request, to Cheer for ff and Ilyas and also, to give them a chance to win tday!
know what I mean?

I wore red every year so red was champion! *coughs*
Then this year, I went over to give them luck so therefore, many of the runners won!
ok, I take that back. I think 3 days later back in school, I will go home crying if I don't take what I just said back.

anyway, sports day this year was boring ttmx.
seniors all passed out, now like sian only.
and the cheer leadings dropped standard.
so in conclusion,
Seniors leave school = No school spirit = Not high = Event suck = Everything suck = School sucks.

Walked to WM after. Had lunch, then Yanting left while the 4 of us headed to Uddler for ice cream.
trained home then after.

While in train, did many stupid April fools day trick, but quit fail.
No C2, no fun ):
But at least I enjoyed myself. HAHA! Miss laughing like that, a lot.
Evan: but i am glad you laughed so much that i tot i saw the old charman

Slept all the way till 9PM.
Didn't really eat for dinner.

4/1/2010 11:43:38PM
actually i understand in your position why u want to leave

4/1/2010 11:43:46PM
if i stand in ur shoes, i will support u

4/1/2010 11:44:01PM
but if i am just a outsider, of course i will discourage
but i think its fair that i stand in ur shoes

Received an email from tina the other day,

Hey dear, I decided to email you as I'm freq going on-off. I understand what you were trying to hint me the other day. And I hope you would seriously open this email and really read it well because this is not another junk/annoying/nonsense mail sent in by some reader or whatsoever. Its me, going to talk to you about something important. So don't just skip it. Okay, I urge you to reconsider what you are going to choose, currently in your mind. You must be thinking why, of course it'll benefit both of us and you will be seeing me more often but it was nt part of the deal rmb?
Let me remind you again, about theo, egg, clar and all. (Part taken away)

BLEH. I decided not to continue to prevent more curious minds spreading their rumor.

ZEN (:          says:
*yay O:
*lol u seems tired >.>

I am...

I’m sick of meeting all the wrong people. I’m sick of being lead 
on to believe it could be right.
And that is why I don't bother anymore.
I don't care and neither do I want to. Because each time I do, I have to start picking up pieces all over again.

Because you know one bad thing about all of us, humans?
We hurt people, we don't want to, some, we hurt them on purpose just because they've done that too.

It's boring me, everyday is up with the same type of drama.
Can people at least be more creative?!

on a happier note,
tsk, we saw someone we wanted to see today! :)

and I laughed alot tday^^

"I know a part of your past from Sherry, I've yet to know Tina's side of your story. I'm going to find out what you were like in the past, so that I'll know you better personally. For now, I just know that you were a much more cheerful person, and I hope to see it that way again. You are not alone, gd night!"
:P heh, tonight can sleep happily liao!

before that,
If I don't end of with this, someone is gonna be very sad! ):

ZEN (:          says:
*:l posting liao right O: ok i dun disturb (:
*If we're PMSing, listen to whatever we have to say and agree, no matter what. Don't give advice, just give chocolate  WIN <
Charman says:


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kiss on you!