September 21, 2011

Day 05:

Day 05- Someone you see yourself marrying/ being with in the future
I don't see myself being with anyone because there's currently no one in particular that I like and I haven't met anyone in particular which I think I would want as a boyf. But recently, I've been watching this show, Brilliant Legacy and I kind of like 2 of these character in th show.
I rarely watch tv series etc and so far, there's only 2 dramas that I like and one of it is this.
And I fell in love with the two guy characters in it. (Which is something that actually won't happen. -for me to like some tv characters cuz' it's just retarded. But ya, you can call me a retard now I guess.)
Alright, cut the long story short. These are th 2 guys I hope my future boyf will be like ^^
Park Joon Sae and Sun Woo Hwan (These aren't their real names but their names in th show. I do not admire them in reality. I just admire their characters in the show and hope that my future boyf would be like those characters in the show)

So, first off, Sun Woo Hwan.

I like how he bickers with the girl but falls in love after that. Typical story huh? HAHAH! But it's really cute how couples can bicker with each other but still cares for one another.

I also like how he was worried and went to wait for th girl at the bus stop late at night because the girl was missing in action. Unlike what people would normally do, or rather, most of th boyfs would normally do is to spam call their girlf when their girlfs go missing. It is unlikely for th guys to step out of their house or stop whatever they are doing and go out to search for the girl, put down some of their pride to call their friends to find out if the girlf is with them or even to go to those places the girl would usually have to pass by on their way home to wait for their girlf.

So yeap, I really like how he was worried about her safety and all.

Just watch this part, you'll get what I mean :)
But take note, the scene starts from 02:45 onwards :) You might wanna skip the front part.

Yeap, so she asked him, "why do you worry" and he said...

So yeap! I like how they always bicker but are still very concerned about one another.

And next,  Park Joon Sae
If you noticed, other then Woon Hwan, there was another guy searching for her too.
And that's Joon Sae. He's a really nice guy with big heart. Super sweet too!!

He was always there for the girl, he would wait for that girl outside her work place and all. I mean, it's nice to see your boyf there for you all the time. Like after school or work, he'll be there to pick you up and all.

He would take over jobs for the girl when she's sick without letting her know, help her and take good care of her when she sprained her ankle and all. Guess he's the nicest of the nice guys you can ever find.... OR NOT. Cause I doubt such guys still exist.

He is realllllly sweet. He's there for her like 24/7, he would give her surprise visits, help her solve her problems and all. He really went all out to make that girl happy. Just to make that girl happy :)

Well, I can't find the scene where I want to show you guys how sweet he really is. But I found this!!!! This clip shows what he've done for the girl. Unfortunately, no english sub titles ):

Arghhhh. I really got no idea how to show you people how nice the guy really is.

I would really wanna see myself with these kinda guys.

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kiss on you!