December 9, 2012


Whenever girls mention the word "cheating" guys would most of the time think that we girls meant being "sexually unfaithful".

Seeing a girl behind our back MIGHT cheating too.

In the grand scheme, guys usually think that if they aren't able to accept their girl doing something with another man, then they shouldn't do it with other woman. 

However, what both gender did wrong is that they NEVER thought about what their partner would consider as "cheating".

I think one problem about relationship is that boundaries are not clearly set. And one party would be "unintentionally" cheating on the other causing problems to rise up in a relationship.

Let me give you an example:
X and Y are together in a relationship.
X thinks that lying to go out with the opposite gender is wrong.
Y thinks that going out with the opposite gender is totally fine.

But because but Y doesn't know if X is fine with he/she going out with the opposite gender, he/she ends up lying to X while going out with the opposite gender.
When X finds out, X feels cheated by Y but Ydoesn't see why it is wrong because to Y, going out with the opposite gender is fine and he/she lied because he/she didn't know if X would be fine with it too.

Lesson: Don't do things in which you are unsure if it's acceptable to your partner.

The problem is that people don’t clearly define their boundaries when they are in a relationship and they just assume that their 
boundaries and their partner’s boundaries are similar.
This causes one of the party to gradually cross the border and “cheat” without really realizing so.

For some people, they might feel that it is cheating when his/her partner goes on a 1 on 1 date with the opposite sex. But how would his/her partner ever know till they voice out? 

This is what I've learnt after my past relationships. After months of reflection on what went wrong to mine.

I know how it feels like to have both parties confused because they have different values/boundaries and they assume that it is similar to their partners. 
I know how it feels like to feel that you are being cheated on when on the other end, your partner doesn't feel he/she is doing so.
So what I'm giving you people out there as an advice is that you should both voice out and let each other know the boundaries to make sure you and your partner are on the same page.

Or just don't do it if you're not sure if your partner would be alright with it.

Anywayz, before I carry on, here's some fun-facts for you people to know!
  • Men are more likely than women to cheat with someone who is less attractive than their current partner. Women cheat up while men are more opportunistic when it comes to cheating. Men are more likely than women to have a one-night stand. 
  • Women are more prone to having emotional affairs. Men are less likely to consider leaving their partners after cheating. 
  • When women cheat, it tends to be more emotionally involved so they are more likely to consider ending their current relationship. Men are more likely than women to repeatedly cheat on a spouse or partner 

Not my point for this post anyway.
My point for this post is to tell you how an asshole, a jerk, douche/bitch, you are if you are cheating/ ever cheated in a relationship.

If there's anything I can say about cheating, it would be that there is something wrong about the person who cheats. YES. YOU. NOTHING ABOUT YOUR RELATIONSHIP OR YOUR PARTNER BUT YOU.

There is no excuse or reason to justify infidelity. 
If your relationship is in trouble, you should stay and sort out/solve your problems with your partner and not someone else. If you determine your relationship impossible to be salvaged, then you break up and leave your partner before you look for someone else. YOU DON'T CHEAT.

The thing about cheaters is that they almost never think that they are in the wrong and they would reason it out and explain why they cheated. Thinking that if their reason is good enough, it's okay and understandable that they cheated. 

I find it really selfish and I detest cheaters.
One thing they don't get is how their actions would affect their partner. Well, of course they don't and that's why they cheat.

Then some cheaters would go "I didn't touch or have physical contact what. How is it cheating." Even when they have feelings for the opposite sex emotionally.

Think about it, how would you like it that when you're together with your partner, he/she is always thinking about someone else.

Whether it is emotional cheating or physical cheating, cheating is cheating.

And it's never about how small/little their action means to them. It's about how it has affected/hurt their partner and that's one thing they would never get.

PLUS cheaters always have it better even though they are in the wrong? At most if their partner finds out, they would break up and go with the "third party" while the partner is left alone feeling all the hurt and pain.

People who are being cheated on ALWAYS, ALWAYS will have to feel hurt and try to fix their broken heart when it is NOT in any way their fault that their partners cheat. HOW IS THAT FAIR?

How is it fair that cheaters can just break up and feel so "carefree" when the one who isn't cheating in the relationship would then be an idiot and go do tons of reflection about what went wrong and what they did wrong when IT IS NEVER THEIR FAULT?

And many of the people who are being cheated on are usually those who have loved whole heartedly. When they found out that their partner has cheated on them, it kills them and they have to take years to get over it. Some might never.

Bottom line, If you can't stay faithful, stay single. As simple as that.

We all want to feel safe in a relationship and having to worry about whether or not our significant other is going to cheat does not equate that feeling. 

If he/she cheats once, get help. If he/she cheats twice, get out.

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