March 28, 2015

Spontaneous Kind of Happiness

Been a long time since I updated my blog on a regular basis. But I just felt like yesterday was a day (or should I say, 'date') to remember.

Decided to make a number of spontaneous decisions yesterday since I was pretty much in the mood for it.

  1. Decided to make a trip down to *SCAPE to visit the people at the office while dropping by SYMBIOSIS to visit some of my friends
  2. Super duper crazy and spontaneous decision to meet up with someone I barely know
  3. To go for LKY's tribute

You might be wondering why I would count them as spontaneous. I'll explain along the way. 

So, I headed down to *SCAPE in the afternoon with the intention of wanting to surprise some people. In particular, Baoer, Jeslyn and Likhock.... well, since earlier in the morning I received a message from Likhock asking me to go down. Also because, I kinda miss Jeslyn and Baoer. 

However, I've said many times to my friends and everyone else that I would NEVER go down to any RP related events after the last day of school. But I made a spontaneous decision to go down anyway. Not sure why I even did that because at the very moment when I stepped into the Ground Theatre, I disliked it already. Nevertheless, it felt good to be able to see Bryan, Likhock, Baoer and Jeslyn. And even have Baoer become my bodyguard to protect me from a certain predator. LOL.

After which, I headed to Shaw to meet GG. 

If you've known me since secondary school, you will probably know that I'm not the kind who would agree to meet someone whom I just got to know. It took me 4 years to finally agree to meet L outside of school even though we've been seeing each other around school. I didn't even meet Zac out of school even though he was "close" to me for almost 2 years? 

I have never agreed to meet anyone anyone whom I've met from online even though I do know them/have seen them around in school. –Unless, I've come to know them better and become really close. (Like Leon and Zhiying)

With that said, I decided to be really spontaneous (God knows what got into me to find that courage lol) and agreed to meet. 

Me: "I'm 26 this year."
GG: "Oh really? Because I'm 35."

We headed to Coronation Building for Thai dinner before heading to his place for him to put his stuffs down and get his key and then we walked from his place to Botanics. Yet another spontaneous decision.

Anyhows, I met the guys later in the morning at around 1am as we were planning to go pay tribute. None of us wanted to go initially because of the crazy queue. However, our hearts kinda prompted us to. Sadly, an announcement was made that the Parliament will not accept anymore people that night/morning so we gave it a miss and went to have supper instead. 

These spontaneous decisions made didn't turn out that bad after all.
And I'm glad they were made :)

Gonna go back to sleep or something.

March 23, 2015

3:18am, First of our founding father, is no more

The world mourns its' lost, especially this country in which you've built. You were clear, wise and resilient and even endured heartbreaks in the process. You dedicated your whole life to build this nation when there was none. 

I am honored and thankful to have been in this country that was built and lead by you. You'll always be my favorite old man.

Rest in Peace LKY. We will manage from here.

How weird it is that the world doesn't stop for anybody. Even when everyone is grieving for him.

Imagine receiving a call last night from the doctors to go to the hospital because he was informed that his dad, wouldn't be able to make it. But yet, having to drop by to visit the crowd at the tribute area to shake their hands and thank them for their well wishes before he could go and see his father for the last time. And even after the passing of his dad, he had to hold back his own emotions to address the nation on National TV.  Lee Hsien Loong, it hasn't been easy for you to have shared your father with the nation and I thank you for that.

I remember telling someone that there's no way I can ever deal with death. The death my loved ones or even the death of my pets. And he asked me, "Would you cry over the death of someone you don't know?" 
And I answered cooly, no. 

But today, I woke up after hearing my brother say "Lee Kuan Yew passed away this morning" to my mother in the living room. I wasn't feeling exceptionally sad. After all, I kinda expected it to happen since I saw the news that Lee Hsien Loong went to visit his dad yesterday. 

But my heart broke when I saw Lee Hsien Loong all choked up while in front of the national television. It broke when I saw the tribute video playing on tv with Lee Kuan Yew crying. It broke when I saw the flags being raised mid high. Today, my heart broke many times. 

You would ask me, "What has his death got to do with you so much that you have to be this affected?" 

And I would answer you, it has got to do with me, and us in every single way. Because he was the one who built this country up from when it was nothing. He was the one who had a vision for us. If not for him, I wouldn't be staying where I am staying today. We wouldn't have the education that we get to take for granted of, the transport system that we even have to be able to complain about as well as the clean sanitisation that we currently enjoy. This small global metropolis happened all because of him.

This year as we celebrate SG50, many of us will miss your presence at the parade.

I asked my mum this question many times, "how do you make sure that a person stays on, even when he/she is gone?" and the answer is simply to continue whatever that he/she has been doing when he/she was around.


March 12, 2015

Exams and CNY

Hello to you who's reading my blog!
Finally decided to get my ass up to blog again instead of lazing in bed on days when I'm not busy. I was back at *SCAPE to work for a week after my tests so I hadn't really had the time to blog...... and when I have the chance to blog like the past 3 days, I decided to wake up in the afternoon and have lunch then sleep my whole day away again. lol

I really gotta stop going out at godly sleeping hours and then waking up feeling restless the next day.

Anyhow, here's an update to how I spent my CNY this year!! As usual, my first 3 days of CNY are the busiest. Day 1 for relatives, day 2 for relatives of my dad's clique/grandparents' of my childhood friends and day 3 would be what my family likes to call, "Our open house"!

On the Eve on CNY, Theo and I made a dental appointment to get our teeth checked and cleaned!! The last time both of us had our teeth checked was in 2011?!?!!?!? But anyway, my teeth is still in good condition!! OH YEAH.

Met my family at Sakuraya after my dental appointment for lunch and got two see my brother after his 2 weeks for NS confinement!

And still very happy that I went to the dentist. 

And as usual, the first day of CNY was spent visiting my extended family and relatives.

Ended my Day 1 visitation at my paternal grandparents' side like every other year and I helped my daddy win quite a lot of money. heheh. I was on a winning streak!!!! Seriously. I was either getting ban luck, ban ban (double As) or 5 dragons for many consecutive rounds!

The second day of CNY was spent visiting the parents of my dad's friends a.k.a the grandparents of my childhood friends.

And the third day like every other year, was spent with people coming over to my place.

On Sunday, which is the 4th day of CNY, we had our neighbours gathering as usual and I headed to Yanting's place for steamboat after.

And then, I had to return to school for tests -.-

But not like I was really bothered because a few days later I went over to Nais's place for steamboat and gambling even though I had an important test the next day.

But it's not like I didn't try studying. I did. Just look at me holding my specs in the above photo.
Then again, it didn't make a difference whether I studied or not because my friends who have studied all didn't know how to do the test as well.

The day after, I went to school for my last paper.
Made a spontaneous decision to meet Josh at his place later in the night and Eugene joined us later for drinks till like freaking 5am. 

So here's my update on CNY.
It's boring I know. 

But it's so hard

to even sit myself down and start a post these days...
I tried.