May 31, 2009
had plans for tomorrow but cancelled it because i received a message from minjiang to report for band tomorrow.
sian sian.
anyway, went for emerge service yesterday @ CHC.
ilove church ttmx.
yesterday was emerge.
so many "shows(?)"
watched 'STOMP' musical performance, orchestra, teen clusters(cheerleading), hiphop, bible quiz, "Are you smarter than a teen?" questionaire.
and for th questionare....
one of th teen was from swiss!
zon chan if i can remember.
hahah! he is smarttt.
anyway, was bored tday so did some stupid stuffs on facebook.
Charman completed the quiz "Which girl from Gossip Girl are you?" with the result Serena van der Woodsen.
Queen S herself. You wear your heart on your sleeve and can be a little naive. No matter what you do, you would never intentionally hurt anyone--unless they severely piss you off, that is. You're always willing to stand up for your loved ones. Despite the goody-two-shoes appearance, you're a bad girl at heart. You aren't afraid to get crazy and you love to have a good time. People admire your optimistic outlook on life. You have a kickass closet full of deep v-neck dresses, tight jeans, leather jackets and the hottest (and of course, most expensive) boots. Unfortunately, you fall for guys who leave you for stupid reasons. You deserve an amazing guy. .
Charman just took "Affection based on month of birth" quiz.
Charman just analyze their affection level.For Charman Chuang who birth on month July below are their affection analysis : - Fun to be with - Secretive - Difficult to fathom and to be understood - Quiet unless excited or tensed - Takes pride in oneself - Has reputation - Easily consoled - Honest - Concern about people´s feelings - Tactful - Friendly - Approachable - Very emotional - Temperamental and unpredictable
(eh! lynn said it's pretty true leh!)
i'm boreddddddd lah!
i can't think, i want sleep.
i love evan!
and LAZY!
May 29, 2009
Define your love.

what comes after it?
-th end?
carry on without me
it's more den three months and i'm still ok.
i'll be>(:
(i can't help th way i feel)
went for ptm.
ms ho wanted me to go for counselling.
almost made me cry.
super lol.
i'm alrigggggggggght(?)
i love their videos ttmx! xD
anyway, i'm going to singapore flyer to have dinner(?!)
yeah. so i always have an excuse for not blogging.
hahahah! byeeeeeeee.
May 28, 2009
Never so lonely

th very first time i felt like this.
i spent my whole day waiting, alone.
dickson, thanks alot.
*(i'm not being sarcastic)
P/s. my english teacher is so super cute! he created a blog for us!
May 27, 2009
is th moon round?
ok, listen!
th moon is round, is th moon round?
Azura, clarence, afiq, frank, DK, Zakir, kiki!
bangbangbangbangbang! who dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?!
friday is coming.
lot's of mixed feelings. HOLIDAYS ARE NOT LIKE HOLIDAYS LO!
anyway, it snowed tday leh!
who dunch knowwwwwwwwww??
i wanna sleep.
so much to complain, but not tday.
tday is th best, bestest, bestessssssssssst day to sleep ever manzxzxzx.
know why?
eh! want know or not!
ok lo!
*sticks out tongue*
i love life manzxzxzx.
super interesting lo!
love humans!
super funny lo!
too much drama, not good for health(:
KPO(s) and extraaaas, are always there to watch and go back to school and pass th message around.
what to do?
*bangs head*
ohya. now got influenza a h1n1, must go watch tv!
cannot use com! if not tio computer virus den die liao!
May 26, 2009
May 25, 2009
Invalid love

haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii every-birdieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
ni haooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
wtf? hahahahah!
super, super, superrrrrrrrrrr high right nowwwwwwwwww!
sometimes i just wish i can make you wake up with that one hit on your face so that you'll stop acting as if everything will always be ok.
Suppressed by all my childish fears
hey yo!
i am funny, he is lazy and hehe is duckyyyy!
we are goodfriends!(?)
andand! together, we are...
just human friendsssssss!
so highhhhhhhhhh!
zai jian!
May 23, 2009
no more memories, no more silent tears, no more gazing across th wasted years
May 22, 2009
nothing much tday. except for more virtual village
tim, clar and qi didn't want to go for morning assembly but i went.
it's a miracleeeeee!
but in th end they got caught.
tim gl zainab because she pulled his hairrr!
in th end zainab said sorry to tim.
was in th library playing my virtual village when some ding-dong go show me something because he was bored?! or wanted to see me cry!
stupid fcukerrrrrrr~
i forgive you alr lah!
I used to think that this journey would be short and sweet. I had much confidence in it.thought that we could walk further than th previous few did. But when i look at it now, it's longer than what i used to think and somehow, i just feel that we might not make it.
May 21, 2009
Keep the new and throw the old

especially th friendly match!>:D
May 20, 2009
The way we did when our love first began
I hope i can turn back time and think of it. Because th way i see it, BOTH OF US NEED IT.
school is boringggg!
but thanks to clarence tan, i got something to play by th name of virtual village and someone to talk to!>:D
but he's not so good afterall! because he kepy tickling me when i was sleepinggggggggggg!
slap you uh!
anyway, TIM AND JIEQI,
i evol you guys alot okkkkkkkkkkkk!
and i seriously don't understand why signs are created!
i thought it was suppose to give ua a clear understanding of direction?!
but one told me to go up th grass slope in order to go to dental.
like wtf?!?!!?!?
brent! don't sadddd!
i give you jacket and give you map!
CLARENCE, you seriously suckkkkk! >:@
Now I found somebody new and you
will never break my heart in two again,.
fuck th person who into me to virtual village! ;didn't know you could let go like i'm shit
May 19, 2009
I'm sorry for abandoning this blog.
anyway, owe you guys lots and loads of photos!
firstly, JIEQI AND TIMOTHY S' not-so-surprising birthday party.
don't understand why both of them must always make me pissed by guessing cake colour and all when i told them there isn't a birthday party for them.
(but of course they know that there is one lah)
AHYE! next time pei he yi xia xia lehhhhh!

and aiksoon, i'm so super sorry that i'm to lazy to block out your face.
hahahahaha! {loves}
just finish blog request and i'm proud of every single one i did tday!
as i have said/post/blog/done,
"played" basketball quite often recently so,..
hahahahahah! CLARENCE NOOOB!
ok lah. but you can win me at other things k!
have loads of packing to be done.
(i'm talking about my room) and i'm dyinggggg.
leeched from clarence's blog:
(he was pwned by me for englishhhh! whaahahah)ok this was force by charman ==
Zzz told me to update
when i told her to ==
this is crap =)
lmao 2days of no school yay! LMAO
before the day this was wat happen ==
11:47 Hey monday no
school rite
reply 11:48 Have.Everyday even public holiday also have
i was like WTF? then reply
11:48 sure bo? 11:50 Oi
serious la
Reply : 11:53 I'M VERY SERIOUS. There's school unless our
school kenna demolish wahat
11:53 huh?
11:57 Wth.Serious lah!
have school but don't need go. and its monday already
I cannot take it
liao called her ==
I:wei tomorrow serious got
school or not?
C:Today is Monday le (cause pass 12midnight)
I:OK.. today
got school?
C:*giggles* dun have
I:ok.. bb
lol continue watching tv
till 1am and then Suddenattack till 3 LMAO =/
then Went PizzaHut
on the following day for PIZZA treat from damian our coach LMAO =/ shiok lol
Charman dun jealous (:
LOL =.= and suddenly ask me buy her cup
noodles ? o.o wtf? ending here going to watch the simpsons NICE (:
i bought a new shoe for school!!! >:}
clarence tan! no more baby shoe!!
P/s: I'm hoping for someone to help me with my room now.
P/s/s: i don't feel like packing it lah! but it's messy!
P/s/s/s: I'm dead.
May 18, 2009
i want eat cup noodles and have fun
i want eat cup noodle and have funnn!,
andy chan!
went to meet z den bus to gombak to meet tim and dick.
played bb in rain, talked and slacked.
promise a good post tmr!
CLARENCEEEEEEEEEEEEE i'm waiting for angpao!
May 17, 2009
May 16, 2009
To sleep in his arms
yesssssssssssss! with more time to blog and a better postttttttttt!
(i hope?) :X
many many things happened and something more important happened!
that is...
Mid Year EXAMS!
yeah.. relax, it's already over.
and therefore, i gotta go and enjoy with all my friends!
had been playing basketball almost everyday after exams. <3
C1L6A2R6E3">> says:
=/ why u so high
Charman. says:
why not!
isn't it better
i'm back to self(:
[c=14]C1L6A2R6E3 =/ > [/c=1] says:
Zzz u can blog u sibei happy hor ==
Charman. says:
[c=14]C1L6A2R6E3 =/ > [/c=1] says:
watcha gonna update?
Charman. says:
[c=14]C1L6A2R6E3 =/ > [/c=1] says:
then today is msn
Charman. says:
[c=14]C1L6A2R6E3 =/ > [/c=1] says:
lol seriously very weird
Charman. says:
[c=14]C1L6A2R6E3 =/ > [/c=1] says:
ahhh worst
ok be urself
Charman. says:
happy birthday to my dearest brother, kai
Time: 12.00am
anyway, since exams are over,
lot's and lot's of.
lost in money.
.and th easiest way to do it is..
ok. stop it. don't give me that stupid look!
i'm serious whattt!
don't you shop to lose moneyy?!
ok. i don't need your answer.
cause it's a yes!!
but thanks to th influenza A H1N1, (gosh, i'm proud of myself for knowing what it's called. at least i'm not like some people with their "swine flu" *faints*)
ok, back.
so since there is this virus,
i doubt people will want to go out into th crowd.
AND with some people who are like me
< :X, (lazy to go out) , !
alright, i can't think cause i'm gonna fall asleep!
p.s. Toro came to church to perform tday.
yesyes! th one from energy and looks like roy! don't be jealousss!
May 11, 2009
sleepy head!
May 10, 2009
May 2, 2009
Slower in maturing
been so so so so so longzxzxz since i updated.
anyway, i cut my hair again!
hahah! SYF is over so th promised i made to sheene can be broken!
ok, whatever.
and i think it sucks ttmx!
and another reason a guy give about why guys watch porn!
(and in case if you are wondering what is all these about,
" Well haha i know its disgusting but its reality ... Humans are actually like animals, our actual sole purpose in life really is to live and give birth.. So if mating isn't like so uhm, full of pleasure, then the human race is finished cuz nobody would be having sex alr And you must know , girls and guys are different! Its like everybody has that innate desire to want to sex... but its like society is holding us back! And you think only boys watch porn ? Girls watch it too okay!! "
shall not reveal his identity.
Anyway , i love my bro! :)