November 10, 2012


A few bus stops later, a blind man boarded the bus. I wasn't paying attention to what was happening on the bus or what was happening beside me. I was doing my usual day dreaming. Next thing I knew, he was seated next to me.

I started to pay attention to him and what he was doing. He couldn't stop fidgeting, I could tell he was insecure. I looked around me, everyone had their eyes stucked to their tiny screen.

I turned to look out of the bus and thought about my problems. But at the same time, I couldn't help wondering how the blind man is feeling. Is he blaming the world or God that he's born like that? Is he feeling sorry for himself? Has he ever gotten angry with the world and felt disappointed in humanity?

Then I started to feel a tinge of sadness and guilt. Who am I to feel sorry for myself when there's someone just beside me who isn't as privileged as I am? Why do I always live feeling so insecure when I am able to see and he isn't? And why are we always using our opportunity to see the world to look at our tiny screens?

The next stop is Far East, he quickly got up and then I heard his scream which woke me up from my thoughts because the bus uncle closed the door before he could get off.

I stood up a few stops later, ready to go to work.

Sent via BlackBerry from SingTel!

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