March 20, 2011

No matter how you try to make it sound convincing and nice, lies are still lies.

I don't understand why is it that humans have to lie.
Not saying that I don't lie. I am guilty for lying too.

But I really dislike it when someone just lie for the sake of lying, not because he/she had to protect someone, get away from something (which is already bad enough), it's not those kind of white lies you tell to help someone or make him/her happy.

The lies I'm talking about here are the lies people tell just for their good and have no proper reasons for it.

An example like someone lying to be rich.
Why do you have to lie. Not like someone's gonna kill you if you're not rich, not like you've a good reason for it. You just had to lie, to make you feel better, to make people think you're better.

Yeah, you can tell me it's a white lie and it doesn't hurt. But it might reflect on how reliable you are.

And worst of all, if you happen to lie to someone who trusted you.

Why is it that people have to lie to look good or lie just because it's your hobby.
So you can gain respect? Do you even think people will respect you after finding out that you're not reliable?

THINK. At the end of the day, would you rather pretend to be someone you're not or be reliable?

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