May 11, 2011


Miss Hafiza was talking about how badly we did for SA1 geog saying there was only 10 passes then Miss Hafiza said "Even Charman who always score 1 or 2 marks is scoring more than the rest of you!"
I still failed though. LOL. By 0.5 marks.
Theo topped the class for geog and this was her first time passing geog.
So I think that skipping lesson is definitely worth it because I improved and got praised by teacher! HAHHA!

Spent my free period at DNT workshop today while waiting for the girls to end their lesson. Was feeling terribly sick staying in class.

They offered me sweets and miraculously, I felt muchhhhh better after eating sweets. My block nose was gone!!

heheh ^^ Thank you!

Shushia & Theo: I rarely see you sick.
So I was entertaining myself, as usual, cause there was no one to entertain me. And Theo was like "Even when you fall sick you also still got so much energy to play"



Westmall, Pastamania for lunch! 
And saw a near Singaporean version of Lachowski.
Very crazy today, I'm actually looking at guys, both Theo and I.

Feeling sick must have caused some minor damage to my brain.

 My regular order (I told you I eat a lotttt)

Wonder why the phrase "caught a cold/catch a cold" was created.
I mean I don't even want to catch it. Why do I even want to catch a cold.
Rather, I think it should be "the cold caught me"
Stupid cold.


Feeling terrible now and I shall sleep

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