September 13, 2010

Am I asking too much or is there no such thing at all?

I’d like to meet someone who wouldn’t give up on me. Someone who would always be there no matter what. 
Someone who I could tell all of my secrets to, and they would trust me enough and tell me theirs. 
Someone who wouldn’t care what I wear, or how I have my hair done. 
Someone who would call me every night just to hear my voice. Someone who would know me well 
enough to tell when I’m mad, sad or confused. Someone who wouldn’t like me just for the looks, but 
for my heart and my personality. Someone who wouldn’t just love, but who would be addicted to me. 
Someone who would never leave me clueless or alone. Someone who would always keep their promises 
and mean what they say. Someone who would look out for me. Someone who would never leave me broken. 
Someone who would be faithful to me. Someone who will always give me his assurance and tell me that things are gonna turn out ok..

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