December 11, 2010


Ever felt the feeling of betrayal? Like you used to trust someone so much but end up being shocked over something you found out they did and you start feeling like a total loser, you feel so disappointed, upset and hurt but yet you can't do anything about it.

This post is not gonna be about me being betrayed or being hurt. But me, standing in someone else's shoe because I know exactly how it feels like and I just hope, maybe, people will start to take notice, understand or at least, be nicer and think twice.

Because sometimes, our actions can hurt someone so badly, we may not even know it

How would you feel, if all of a sudden, your close friend told you she/he is with the person you like.
How would you feel, if your best friend, stop speaking to you all of a sudden, and you do not know why.
How would you feel, if your friends starts going out, without you.
You're alone, without anyone to talk to.
Now, put yourself in someone else's shoe.

He had this best friend, whom he trust, whom he knew.
He liked this girl whom he knew since sec2.
He had his good friends, whom he thought he could count on.
But now, everything seems so wrong.

He was upset, he had no one to turn to. His only best friend, went away with the group.
No, no one was at fault, not even the one who started saying things that were crude.

What I am saying is, wouldn't things be better if everyone had just taken a step back, given in and not say things that knew they knew would hurt that bad.

Why can't we just put ourselves in other's shoe.
What happened to the word "Empathy" that was taught in school.
What happened to all our values?

Have you asked, the reasons for those actions. Or even felt that you should.
What happened to the word "trust" in friendships, why wasn't it put to use.
Why do we just listen to stories which gives no justice instead of finding out the truth.

His best friend, he needed someone to talk to, someone to trust him, where were you.

I don't know what else to say.
But, my dear, what happened to your heart.

Our eyes do not see, neither can our ears tell. But our mouth can choose to stop to speak, it can choose to hurt as well.

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